NYC Drupal Training

Out of context: Reply #8

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  • manonthestreet0

    I don't think it can be said that 'it's less intuitive'.

    They are very different. Wordpress is a blogging platform that is pretty much ready to go out of the box, and powerful enough to be used for things other than blogging.

    Drupal is a content management framework.

    I think Wordpress is designed for ease of end user usage, where Drupal is designed for scalability. You need to have a frame of mind of a programmer for drupal, but once the lightbulb goes off it's great.

    I do not know about NYC classes, and wouldn't recommend that over just plain installing, themeing, and trying to create views and different ways to use the tool to handle your content.

    • it could be argued that WP has evolved into a CMS Framework as well. Just depends on how you operate
    • Out of the box, I agree with though.
    • wordpress is great, but won't scale like drupal.manonthestreet

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