Battlefield 3

Out of context: Reply #54

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  • plash0…
    it would appear that the site is blocked. i'll chop it up to EA is DDoS'ing the escapist's at the moment.

    here is a copy of the

    the section in question:
    You agree that EA may collect, use, store and transmit technical and related information that identifies your computer (including the Internet Protocol Address), operating system, Application usage (including but not limited to successful installation and/or removal), software, software usage and peripheral hardware, that may be gathered periodically to facilitate the provision of software updates, dynamically served content, product support and other services to you, including online services. EA may also use this information combined with personal information for marketing purposes and to improve our products and services. We may also share that data with our third party service providers in a form that does not personally identify you. IF YOU DO NOT WANT EA TO COLLECT, USE, STORE, TRANSMIT OR DISPLAY THE DATA DESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION, PLEASE DO NOT INSTALL OR USE THE APPLICATION.

    the argument is that EA does it to learn about gamer's interests to better serve its customers.

    i believe that user information is valuable and should be opt to be sold by the user. why give this away when in steam's case it is sold to 3rd parties in effect being monetised during the user's game lifetime.

    why encourage the practice? Not everyone is going to read the eula or be aware of the consequences of buying bf3. people will buy bf3 because they want to enjoy a non committal form of entertainment and end up with their details being sold to marketers and information about personal habits stored.

    i was honestly going to get both PC and 360 versions. now i'm just considering the xbox360 version. we'll see.

    • this is also a great way to encourage software piracy..plash
    • Read the xbox live kinect terms of service. Records audio and video and will submit information to police if illegalVikingKingEleven

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