Working for friends

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • Josev0

    I second and third everyone else's comments here. I've been working for myself for almost twenty years and for some reason, when approached by someone near to me, think "it will be different this time". I'm old enough and have been doing this long enough to know that it wont. You (I) start with the thinking that you'll have more control over it, will be able to make something cool because they trust you. This is what you'll get out of the exchange for working for less of pay. Instead it's like every other client but worse because you're barely getting paid and there are even fewer boundaries between you and the friend/client. So they're even more of a pain in the ass (at least that's been the case with me).

    The only exception was when I was asked to design a wedding invite for a friend who was a designer. She said "do want you want, I trust you".

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