Lion so far

Out of context: Reply #30

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  • genfourth0

    I like it. Honestly it just seems like a slight upgrade to leopard. I like mission control and find it a lot easier and simpler than expose/dashboard/spaces– which after some time I've seemed to just use spaces and forgot about the other features.

    3 finger swipes between desktops is cool. I find myself doing a half swipe a lot to take a peak at my email. also great for viewing a tutorial in safari and switching between PS quickly.

    fullscreen is ehhhh for safari (don't like to view sites that wide) but works well with other programs.

    I love the UI tweaks.

    CS5 seems to run just fine (although I haven't put in a full work day on it yet).

    Honestly after I installed it I messed with mission control, launchpad and got used to the new gestures.... and after that didn't really notice anything else that changed drastically. I'm a bit underwhelmed.

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