Texas Evolves

Out of context: Reply #46

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    i'm not going to even pretend im an authority on evolution or religion for that matter. shit, if i'm honest, none of the books on my shelf even come close to the subject.

    what i said earlier wasn't meant to be taken as gospel. i just want to highlight that both theories seem as ludicrous as each other to the opposing party.

    miko, i have heard of Richard Dawkins and i'll probably get around to reading "The Greatest Show On Earth", if it explains the theory like you say it does.

    the main point i want to make though is our constant search for "perfection" in our work as designers and using the concept of form and function in relation to the world we live in. perfection is all around us in the form of living organisms. this is what i mean by intelligent design. this isn't an argument in favour of either side.

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