Android to own 50% of smartphone marketshare by 2012

Out of context: Reply #76

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  • Boz0

    I don't think you can convince anyone anymore to get that stale piece of shit called iPhone.. even if it has 5 number.

    People saw that Apple is a one trick pony. They are ripping everyone off with features and functionality and suing the whole industry hahaha..

    I love it when Eric Schmidt and HTC CEO basically told Steve Jobs to fuck off.. Samsung too.

    "Hey Stevo, STFU and compete with innovation and quality not with lawsuits" LOL..

    Ironic, especially since there isn't an original part in any of the Apple hardware, especially iPhone. Manufactured by Samsung, using Google's services and put together in Foxconn.

    And than they talk about originality LOL..

    Simply mind bottling

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