Texas Evolves

Out of context: Reply #43

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  • mikotondria30

    "...why are monkeys not turning into people?"
    Fuck me, son.
    That's something that only someone who has literally no idea of the arguments put forward against the creationist position would say.
    You're really so far behind the discussion if you're asking things like that - I don't wish to be rude to you personally, hell, we might be best buddies if geography and parents were different, but that question means you don't understand the basics of macro-evolution and heredity and common-ancestor concepts.
    Please please please read or listen to (in the author's own splendid voice) Richard Dawkins' : Evolution - The Greatest Show on Earth. It's fantastically clear and sound explaination of evolution - the arguments for, and experiments designed and the results thereof - it's so empowering to understand the staggering simplicity of this stuff - you'll feel like a million dollars if it goes in. Also by him, the seminal God Is Not Great is more on the scientific angle of atheism, I challenge anyone to read it with an open mind and still be unclear about these issues.

    • +1. Creationism is utter bollocks. There. I said it.MrT
    • "God is Not Great" is, I think, by Hitchins.killthefish
    • The Dawkins book is "The God Delusion". Good read.killthefish
    • Won't be a good read for a creationist, though.killthefish

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