£161million wasted

Out of context: Reply #41

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  • set0

    Hopefully I'm proved wrong.

    My point, and I do have a point Mikotondria3 wether you agree with it or not, is that £161million pound could save and change countless hundreds if not thousands of lives and for it to go to a couple of old codgers who can't even respect their own bodies who will more than likely do little more with it than indulge themselves... is an action that belongs to a fucking backward society.

    • How much money do you think the lottery took in to be able to pay out this prize ? 300m ? Why not rail against people spendingmikotondria3
    • money on the lottery, when they could be spending on this charity that I'm sure you're not a part of either.mikotondria3
    • Oh you're sure, are you? Anyway, you seem to be agreeing with me... it is indeed backwards. The lot of it.set
    • No. I understand when it's appropriate to call injustice on economic inequity and you're just vindictively jealous and pettymikotondria3

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