Clients demanding to be on your website

Out of context: Reply #28

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  • moldero0

    I have plenty of client work where im ashamed to even say i had any involvement in at all and its the clients or parent agencies fault. fuck em. sometimes I wonder why clients even look for designers, writers or directors in the first place. I had a meeting with this local country band here in Mexico last week, it was pretty hillarious. "we want to be different from all the other bands, thats why were coming to you for a video, but we want to play near stacks of hay and in the corn fields, and we like to be directly involved with our director in all aspects of the video from concept to post, and we only want to pay around $5k even though we own a chain of jewelry stores" - potential client
    acting like the meeting never took place - me

    • Good to know I'm not the only one.Josev
    • Just like those two guys who ran a music store I did website for. Never had money even if one was loaded.raf
    • His family was rich, but "he didn't want this to influence the partnership". So he'd drive in a Range Rover,raf
    • talk about his $2K bicycle and at the end of the conversation ask for patience, cause they had no money.raf
    • It was years ago, they still owe me something like $200. The store folded for all I know.raf

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