Global Economy

Out of context: Reply #15

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  • mikotondria30

    Oh!! The debt, the debt !!
    Debt is not a measure of value, it is measure of who has something and who does not.
    If I have a million dollars in the bank, the bank owes me a million dollars. If the world has borrowed 50 trillion dollars, and is 50 trillion dollars in debt, then someone somewhere is 50 trillion dollars up (even if they are nervous about getting it back). None of the value is created or destroyed... is it possible that everyone in the world could be drowned by debt ? No - the richest 1% of the world have amassed the value created in the last 50 years at 1000 times the rate everyone else has, and suddenly we're all up to our eyes in debt. To them ?
    Default on a mass scale. Anyone who owns more than 100million dollars is subject to a one-time pay-to-play fee leaving them with only 100million dollars. They need to understand that amassing wealth cannot permit a hoarding of influence over everyone else in proportion to that wealth. We all live here, you can't take all the toys, place nice.
    Or we'll fucking hang you - read your history.
    This is the only course open to maintain Civilisation.

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