Logo Analyser in Flash?

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • takashi0

    ok HARDCORE,

    this sounds interesting...I mean the thing about deconstructing the image and translating it to XML for example.

    well, I recon, even if I have some little knowledge of PHP and XML, It would take me to much time to program such a thing, as i dont have any experience, nor knowledge in programing libraries...even if i have some interest in entering this fields. so first hand I would forget about this way.

    Then imaging lingo would be a really good alternative, because I have some experience with it.

    I assumed that there was something similar in Flash to imaging lingo, but it doesnt look like it, but I just dont know.

    Maybe I should first hand forget about an online project and just work locally on my harddisc, so I could consider using some java libraries to analyse the images. Or even communicate between lingo and actionscript.

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