Logo Analyser in Flash?

Out of context: Reply #4

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  • Hardcore0


    I suggest not actually using flash. It does not really have any functionality to do what you need.

    I reckon you can't actually do what your intending. To upload an image requires a COM object (if on IIS) or some kinda PHP Library.

    Your best bet is to use sommit like PHP where you can 'deconstruct' the image using a predefined PHP library, then use/reconstruct the image in Flash via some kinda engine that interprets the info you send to flash.

    E.g. The serverside PHP would deconstruct the image and create something like an XML doc on the fly storing image info into the nodes. Then the XML will be parsed to produce the 'reconstructed' image inside flash.

    This in itself (to do from scratch) will be VERY time consuming. Something like Ming might help...

    Also you may wanna look for an alternative... such as Imaging Lingo for Director MX / Shockwave...

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