Logo Analyser in Flash?

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  • takashi0

    hey sexypixel.
    answers to your questions:
    - its a school project, where I need to analyse and alter logos. so I thought it would be good to programm an engine, so I could let it work for me.
    and then i thought it could be somehow util in the future.

    - about the import, I dont know exactly, i think vector(swf or eps) would be easier to work with inside the engine, but I dont know if flash can handle this.
    jpg would be easier upload, but it would be harder or at least different to alter the logo and get nice results.

    - and about breaking up the elements: good question, maybe the easiest thing would be to allow the user to define the elements to alter in a first step. something like: this is a plain color, and this is a corner, and so on...
    actually it would be better if the engine could do this by itself, but I have no clue, how I could program this kind of AI...so maybe save this for a later step.

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