career change time

Out of context: Reply #15

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  • mitsu0

    ok, well the good thing for you is that for that type of position, you don't need much game-related experience... that bad thing is, neither does your competition, so you've got to really be good.

    i'd approach this two ways. assuming you don't already know anyone in the industry, first, get active on game dev forums. people know people and you might get lucky and find some opportunities that way. it happens here all the time.

    second, and most important, put together a strong portfolio showcasing work that might lend itself well in the gaming field. comic book art, sketches, concept art, whatever you have. you should do some research and find out what companies you would most like to work for and find out who the lead artists are. email them with scans of your work, or links to your portfolio. i've heard of people with no industry experience getting art-related jobs at game companies just becuase of their outstanding work, so it's worth your time!

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