I'm leaving on a jet plane ...

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  • domacle0

    Just recently moved from Sydney to London (not a massive change to be honest) but it was big at the time. Left my girlfriend behind (still feel like a prick about that, but she's over here now so all good) traveled the states and Mexico with my best friend. Won big in Vegas and then blew all my money in NYC. Had an epic time.

    It was more of the "fuck it" variety than planning. We planned the places we wanted to visit and the end destination, but nothing else really. We hadn't saved up enough and racked up a huge credit card debt which we're still paying off - but I wouldn't swap it for the world. Now we're both working in London at jobs neither of us expected to get, almost debt free and enjoying life more than ever.

    Depends what type of person you are. I have friends who couldn't just up and leave without meticulous planning, and a lot of friends who would be happy to do what we did. Whichever route you choose it's highly recommended - traveling the world, and starting afresh in a new place is one of the best things anyone could ever do.

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