Bought an iMac, now what?

Out of context: Reply #26

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  • Boz0

    I hate when people shit on things they don't know how to use.. it just shows them as retarded, angry, uneducated and other things..

    As many Apple fanboys, they live in the 2000 world where Dreamweaver was generating some automatic shit and the hate comes from that period. In reality they have no clue what DW is capable today but as any asshole they have an opinion on it. It blows my mind really how someone can be retarded like that..

    It's funny though, it mostly comes from uneducated Apple fanboys who only got to use one thing and they can't shift away from it.

    I fucking hate people like that.. EDUCATE yourself and then your opinion might count for something. That goes for both you animatedgif and ernexbcn.

    Now when I'm done addressing ignoramuses.

    Seeessess, listen, I told you to try Dreamweaver for several important things that they do better than almost anything out there.

    1. Code Editor is fantastic. I write stuff by hand too. I barely ever use WYSIWYG aspect of it (but it does come in handy so many times because you can select elements in an html page super quickly instead of running through the piles of code). Auto-completion, tag collapsing and grouping, parent/child tag selection, HTML5, CSS3, JS, PHP and other things in an editor are just ace. It helps A LOT writing code and saving time.

    2. FTP and site management is probably the best I've seen. FTPS and FTPeS support.

    3. For static sites, you can define Library items and Templates. If you build pages, you can mark a segment of your code as library item and just drag and drop it into the new page you are writing as library item and later when you want to update everything site-wise DW will do it automatically for you. This works for code, for CSS, for HTML elements, for images etc etc.. Insanely helpful and tremendously saves time.

    4. DW can now generate Android and iPhone apps directly from it via PhoneGap

    5. Live support for JQuery Mobile.. you write it and you see it appear in the live preview as an app. Already mention, fantastic CSS editor with auto-completion and CSS media queries and templates.

    6. Direct access to databases.. Connect directly from Dreamweaver to mySQL, SQL or other databases and see all fields, drag and drop them, do queries to see data in a property panel and so much more. I can't tell you how valuable this is when building database driven sites. It doesn't matter if you use CodeIgniter or other PHP frameworks, you really don't need a 3rd party app for just quickly looking at your database structure, it's insanely useful.

    8. As far as compatibility debugging and previewing pages it comes with W3C validator, integration with Adobe BrowserLab right in the editor that allows you to view your page and then see how it would look emulated if you ran the same page in IE, FF, Safari and all different versions of browsers on different platforms without the need of having those browsers running on your machine. Not to mention it has live preview/view that is being rendered by webkit engine now so you can see changes immediately as you write code rendered by webkit.

    9. Multiscreen support, asset management, complete site loca/server synchronization, File cloaking, Version Control (check-in/check-out) etc

    And so many other things that make you so productive, fast and just joy to write code but also design.

    I have used all editors from Textmate to Coda to Aptana and man.. nothing comes even close to Dreamweaver and how fast i do shit there and how much it helps me do stuff as you write really.

    • You should get a job selling man :o) Good info though, in all honestly I gave up dreamweaver years ago...seeessess
    • ... but haven't even looked at it since. May be food for thought!seeessess
    • I am with Boz on this one. Tried Coda and TextMate, even Espresso, still nothing was as versatile as DWscruffics
    • calling other people uneducated retards because they have an opinion just makes you sound like a prickmonospaced
    • You fail to make an argument without generalized insults and it makes you seem no better than those you beratemonospaced

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