"Do The Math" by MS

Out of context: Reply #28

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  • benfal990

    I was on Mac for the last 8 years. I switched back to PC 3 months ago. The reason is simple, I didnt have the 5,000$ needed to buy the Mac Pro I wanted... Instead I got a PC for 2,000$ wich is faster than the 5,000$ Mac Pro... A bomb with 18Gb of RAM and shit. I never worked with a computer as fast as this one in my life.
    And like I said in another thread, Windows7 or OSX is a detail... We're using the exact same tool on Mac and PC... All the Adobe products, Firefox, Chrome, Office etc. are the exact same software on both platform.... And the web is the same web on Mac and PC.
    I have no preference, I like Windows and I like Macs. Seriously its just tools, its what you build with it that matter.

    • i am curious how long you pc will last though.akrok
    • keep us posted. :-)akrok
    • the same as any Mac really... maybe even longer because he can replace more parts by himself and upgrade machine without buying new ones, without paying some stupid Apple Care racquet in the process.Boz
    • instead of having to buy a new one and avoid Apple's Care racquet if anything goes bad.Boz
    • your right on it! mac vs pc is BS, were all adobe users reallyThelonious_Funk
    • my old pc's have lasted until i upgraded... i gave away my old one that had specs equivalent to my 2010 mbpdeathboy
    • of course i gave it away to a buddy when processor/mb kicked, replaced for 150 and sent to a friend treating myself to new techdeathboy
    • to new techdeathboy
    • my others are now make up my tv stand becuase tech just outdateddeathboy
    • and btw benfal, I guarantee you that Adobe stuff runs a few times better than it does on OSX due to specific Windows optimizationsBoz
    • optimizationsBoz
    • Exactlypillhead

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