Best place to sell...

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  • orrinward0

    eBay will fetch more than Gumtree, but it is a bit more work.

    Spend time getting a thorough listing, and pick the start time so that it ends at a time when lots of people will be dossing about. I've just started selling small items on eBay to gauge when successful times are for higher bids, before I start selling more valuable items.

    At the start of the month, with an item ending on Sunday evening I got 3 times as much money as I did for a middle of the week end time, for the same product. The difference won't be as big with a Mac Pro, but it could well be a good 30% or so difference just depending on time-of day and month you list it.

    The reason the time of day makes so much of a difference is that a lot of people don't use Watch Lists and will only see an item when it is about to end - People desperate for an item will watch them and have high max bids, and the more opportunist bidders around, the higher that max bid will get pushed.

    Recently I bought a laptop (that had reasonable detail in the listing) worth about 350 quid and got it for 60, simply because someone had listed it to end at 4:30am.

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