Creative staffing agencies

Out of context: Reply #20

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    This was posted in the notes section of Black Bag Recruiting's (Toronto) Facebook page:

    '"I'm a recruiter, not a placement agency. I don't place people. Recruiters are hired by agencies to find people. They don't EVER work for the people to find them jobs. A lot of recruiters like to BS you and make it sound like they are your agent. Guess it makes them feel important. I think it creates false expectations. I think it ultimately ends up with the talent hating the recruiter - which most of them do. Because most of them don't tell you what I just told you.

    If you're going to hate me, hate me now, while I'm telling you the truth and managing your expectations and not wasting your time, because you've put your career and your future in my hands thinking, "Well that's handled", when a) it shouldn't be in anyone's hands but your own, and b) that's not what I do.

    If you want an agent who will manage your career understand this: Agents are paid by the talent. You don't pay recruiters, the agency does, therefore recruiters are scouts, not agents."'

    In other words, do yourself a favour, and avoid headhunters. Ultimately, they care nothing about you or your career.

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