could this be a hoax

Out of context: Reply #12

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  • Dodecahedron0

    There is no economic viability to this product. It would need millions just to start the research and development let alone bring it to market. The only companies that would be capable and interested in a such a thing are canon, fuji and kodak etc and they are NOT interested in investing in products to be used with old film cameras.

    There are a lot of technical difficulties too, namely a censor that would be able to fit and function properly in any old film camera. How do you stop the camera from advancing the 'film'? It would have to by-pass the grooves in the advance mechanism subsequently leaving nothing to stabilise it in the back of the camera. So many issues, clever idea but its too difficult to actually work.

    Third world countries still using film? If you can substantiate that go for it but from what I've heard there are in fact more working photographers in third world countries because of digital, not film. Price and accessibility to quality is what has made it take off.

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