Out of context: Reply #6

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  • Jaline0

    Who cares?

    Canada still has a Queen, but it's a nice part of the culture. Really doesn't have a huge impact on the important aspects of life.

    • wow are you naive. Who do you think appoints the prime minister of canada? Who appoints the royals?
    • And who cares? *Facepalm
    • Yes, I'm the naive one:
    • There are a huge amount of people who complain too much about the Queen. They'll watch the wedding, I'm sure.Jaline
    • I don't think the monarchy has any role to play anymore, and wish it would be got rid of. And no, I won't watch the wedding, I couldn't give a toss.Continuity
    • I should clarify I was speaking more about Canada's relationship to the Queen. I'll let the Brits speak about theirJaline
    • ... couldn't give a toss.Continuity
    • own experience regarding the closer relationship they have to the royal family.Jaline

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