Radiohead Newspaper

Out of context: Reply #7

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  • fooler0

    the thing I don't get is a few years ago they were all about digital media and reducing their carbon footprint by not touring as much or only doing dates where people could easily take public transportation.
    Now they ship a meaningless newspaper to dozens of record stores around the world knowing their die hard fans will travel (perhaps long distances in a car) to pick it up. They also quickly took down a few file sharing links that had the FREE paper in PDF form claiming copy write infringement. If it's free why not re distribute it digitally free?
    Now unless they're thinking of doing something super creative with the camera phone bar code on the back I don't really see a purpose of the physical printed piece. I scanned it and it took me to website where you can see pictures of people with their copy. How exciting!
    Why not have a free online performance once they are all distributed that's only accessible to people with the bar code? Hopefully something like this will happen if not it's basically a lyrics sheet and short stories that go along with King of Limbs.

    • <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<duck3
    • Is it really the band that does this crap? Don't the marketers do it to generate buzz? Band probably has no idea.dopepope
    • <good point but I think they've represented themselves since before In Rainbows.fooler

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