Flash Player 11 Capabilities

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  • Boz0

    what do you mean if audience could watch it? 95% of users have Flash... This is not Shockwave time mate.. Chrome comes with Flash, Firefox supports it through extension now.. its' super easy to get Flash and it will be supported on almost all devices.. only iOS won't have it.

    You will most likely have more Flash capable viewing computers, devices and similar than HTML5 ones. At least for a while and even those capable of viewing HTML5 content will probably have issues rendering it out because of the lack of hardware acceleration in most browsers.. It will come but when who knows.

    What we can see though is that Flash will be used for highly interactive 3d stuff in the future..games and all kinds of awesome stuff.. HTML5/JS/CSS3 and all that stuff will continue to be used fro mostly flat sites and it's great at it.. It is definitely for the better..for many sites Flash might not even be the right solution.

    Not that JS/CSS and HTML5 are super magnificent.. I just built a JQuery/CSS3/HTML website that has some neat animations and is wordpress powered.. This thing runs like crap on iPad and phones..

    Possibly even worse than desktop version of some sites in Flash running on Flash Player 10.1 on my Android phone for example.

    But I digress.

    Both will have uses but Flash is entering an era now where HTML5 and everything they've been trying to bring from Flash into a standard will be again behind to what Flash will do. And that's fine.. For different projects different needs.. a good designer/developer needs to know both.

    • I know everything supports it but iOS. The word is out that Flash is out. Someone at ur client's has an iphoneraf
    • it's often the boss–It's enough to put a stop to Flash. Developers drop it too. It's on a way to be a niche thing.raf
    • lol.. ok if you believe that.Boz

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