Shameless arrogant self promotion or a genuine heartfelt appeal?

Out of context: Reply #75

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  • Miguex0

    Let's just put the design aspect aside, like it or not, lets just focus on the action performed by an unknown designer to collect funds.

    Maybe whoever is doing this is a nice person and wants nothing other than to provide a means to help, but...
    When it comes from an unknown designer, you can't help to think there's that dark side of a person trying to cash into the tragedy just to put their name out there.

    It's different if the person is already famous, and is using their name to attract hundreds/thousands, etc to donate money (while the intentions might be the same, at least you think, well this person is already known so is not that bad).

    It's tough, to be honest if an artist I liked and respect did something like this, I would be buying the product hands down, but there will probably be a selfish reason on my end of "I'm buying that because I like it, the charity thing is just a bonus".

    I guess you can't really try to do good things for others without feeling guilty for some sort of selfish reason right?

    • from a distance, giving money seems like the only noble optionmrghost
    • Known or not, always need to vet someone asking for donations.hellobotto

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