Finding developer = grey hair

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  • vaxorcist0

    As slightly burned out, mostly back-end coder, I can say that many of us actually are quite hard to find because we may be selective in projects we take.... many people don't quite get it that a front-end change often forces a HUGE back-end change, similar to asking a plumber to "just move the sink over here" may mean tearing out lots of walls to move plumbing....

    We have a tendency to be optimistic and fearful at the same time about beginning new projects where we are scared to let expectations balloon while deadlines shrink at the same time....

    That said, I've worked with some AMAZINGLY able software architects/coders who couldn't hold conversations with clients....

    Oddly, much of the insanity in development is due to spec confusion resulting from account staff keeping the developers away from the clients... the businesspeople seem scared to let us out in public, but we need to actually understand things by talking to real clients/users, not just read second-hand notes from semi-understanding sales staff.... yes, we don't have to wear roller blades to the office with star wars t-shirts every day...

    • Completely right about the plumbing bit.Jaline
    • +10000000... i need to print this out and show to my bosssilentpost

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