Critical Mass Brazil

Out of context: Reply #44

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  • sigg0

    First, this is horrible to see. But, there are only two scenarios here that I can see.

    One: The had a mad case of road-rage and for absolutely no reason floored it and ran everyone over.

    Two: The car was waiting to pass and some biker(s) started to taunt him/her. In a panic for his/her life they floored it to escape. The typical kill or be killed human nature presented itself. The only way I can see this second scenario panning out is if I were in the car, waiting patiently with my child in the back and some a-holes started talking shit and hitting my car. If the situation escalated I would think I'd have no choice but to floor it.

    Fucking horrible either way. Did they catch the driver? Do they know what prompted it? I'm not advocating it, but in an extreme situation who fucking knows. Humans are disgusting.

    • what about going back?Pixter
    • what Pixter saidshinpo
    • second scenario just sounds like what his lawyer told him to say.dbloc

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