Out of context: Reply #21

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  • Boz0

    lol.. ironically the client doesn't know what they like.. that's the whole problem with crowdsourcing.. instead of client hiring a design to solve their business problem in a creative way by providing them with solution they don't have an answer for, crowdsourcing is giving them noise to pick from with very little understanding of their needs.

    So the client goes and picks what they think looks great to them, which in most cases isn't the appropriate solution because the client is very very subjective and having them decide what is good design will most likely end up in a complete creative failure.

    Paul Rand for example says, and rightfully so, that when a company/business hires him to design a logo/identity for them, they hire him to solve the problem. They hire his expertise and they will get only 1 logo as a design from them. Not 15 variations where the client picks what they like because his wife or daughter likes it.

    Unfortunately, the economy, the lack of proper education and business understanding has created these design wannabes who go and hunt for $100 logo contests completely tearing down the creative industry.

    It's sad that businesses like the one in the first post, pop up more and more... it shows how bad of a shape creative industry is in.

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