60 Minutes Reporter Raped

Out of context: Reply #40

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  • georgesIII0

    talking about this set

    In the last ten years in Congo, hundreds of thousands of women have been raped, most of them gang raped. Panzi Hospital is full of them.

    "All these women have been raped?" Cooper asked Dr. Mukwege, standing near a very large group of women waiting.

    All the women, the doctor says, have been patients of his.

    Within a week, Dr. Mukwege says this room will be filled with new faces, new victims.

    "You know, they're in deep pain. But it's not just physical pain. It's psychological pain that you can see. Here at the hospital, we've seen women who've stopped living," Dr. Mukwege explains.

    And not all the people the hospital treats are adults. "There are children. I think the youngest was three years old," Mukwege says. "And the oldest was 75."

    • and you disagreed with my point about undeveloped countries generally having more rape occurrences?Hombre_Lobo
    • By the way, that's why AIDS spreads so fast in Africa...ItalianStallion
    • I didn't disagree, I said it was bs,
      congo has been torn by one of the most evil war ever, can't compare it to a poor country
    • and if you dugg a little bit more and saw who profit from this war, you'll be profoundly disgusted.georgesIII
    • so you think the development of a country and it policing does not effect rape occurrences?
    • sorry mate, but my country is considered poor, yet the rape is almost inexistent, would you say someone is more intelligent because he comes from a richer country?georgesIII
    • because he comes from a richer country? or dumber because he comes from a poor country, same goes to yourgeorgesIII
    • point rape stats may be higher in poorer country but its doesn't correlategeorgesIII
    • i am of course generalizing. where you from btw?Hombre_Lobo

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