Funny thing happened...

Out of context: Reply #29

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  • d_rek0

    Proactive vs Reactive I think is always a better approach to life in general.

    A lot of people that i've known tend to be very reactionary. They wont confront a problem head-on until absolutely forced to. Meaning they don't plan for it, they don't anticipate it - they just deal with it when they are forced to. Usually reactionary decisions are made in haste and frustration and rarely do they result in the kind of change that is permanent and/or meaningful. They're usually band-aid solutions - temporary fixes if you will.

    Your reaction to your 'epiphant' was only natural - but now that you've had a chance to consider it you should consider a proactive approach to get what you want out of life. It doesn't mean you have to abandon your day to day, but you should plan and anticipate a life changing transition. Lay the foundation for what you want out of life and then start to build it out in steps. Whisk away the thought that this type of life-defining change should happen overnight.

    • wow, i just got learnedrandommail
    • i think its the small choices that affect the big ones. It's a waiting game - but isn't life? Thanks for the input!identity

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