100% width jquery slider help

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • detritus0

    the prob with the code you've gone for is it builds the bulk of the page for you, depending upon what you throw in the thumbnail div.

    If you don't want it to do that for you, you either need to strip out the loader code and such. or you need to force JQ to reset elements AFTER its done its thing.

    i'd share my code if I wasn't waist-deep in total mess myself right now. Suffice to say, you want that w_w snippet above, and another that derives margin sizes along the following lines...

    This assumes a 'page' size of 960px..
    var marginWidth = (w_w - 960) / 2;

    Then you need to work out the distance between pages 1 & 2, etc—
    var doubleMarginWidth = ((w_w * 2)- 960) / 2;

    • er.. so those margins would set DIVs which lie INSIDE the LI declarations (apparently that's kosher :\ )detritus
    • Oh, hell - doubleMarginWidth = marginWidth x 2. THAT's how messy my code is right now :\detritus

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