
Out of context: Reply #3

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  • lukus_W20

    I had a drama teacher who would have agreed with this.

    At school .. the drama studio was in a small, pretty enclosed space, and when we had a class down there and someone inadvertently broke wind, he'd go ballistic. His argument was that 'particles of shit' were being placed into the air ... and he wouldn't stand for it.

    Would have been nice to have assumed their was some level of irony involved in this - but realistically, I don't think there was.

    • An Irish 'friend', years ago, guffawed when my nose wrinkled at his fart - "what was in my arse is in yer head" he said.detritus
    • I can't shake that image any time I suffer someone else's odour.detritus
    • Fucking Irish.detritus
    • hahah .. an awful image. Best to ignore this kind of thing - thinking about it only leads to grossness :)lukus_W2

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