Chrome dropping h.264 support

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  • Boz0

    nobody said things will never change.. they will.. certainly Flash will not be used for some of the things you can easily do with JS or Jquery and HTML5 that's naturally.. it took them long enough (what about 12 years to get to where Flash was 10 years ago)...

    But as these things change.. Flash is evolving too.. there's a reason why Adobe has had a record profit ending 2010.. Adobe is shifting to producing tools Flash people use all the time.. so eventually there might not even be a Flash Player runtime but we will still be using Flash and AIR and build applications on mobile devices and so on..

    And btw.. Apple's dominance and trend setting is done for. Every single device being released is supporting Flash and there is AIR support for it too to build apps.. It's still a bit rough but this year everything will snap in nicely..

    • btw, while iOS might be relevant player.. people will carry on.. and I can see Apple adopting Flash sooner than Flash dying off due to Apple not supporting it on iOS.Boz
    • off due to Apple not supporting it on iOS.Boz

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