Chrome dropping h.264 support

Out of context: Reply #24

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  • Hombre_Lobo0

    Nice post boz!

    While I do think it's completely fair for google to pull this one, following apples dirty tactics style, I would rather they support all codecs.

    I don't think any company could compare to the monumental douchebaggery of apple not supporting flash solely for their own gain at the sacrifice of good content (not just porn!) and not delivering the full Internet experience.

    I actually think apples flash gayness falls into the same category of net neutrality - being told what we can / can't view.

    I also find it strange that more designers aren't outraged by apple. At one point they made computers primarily for the design industry, for people creating web content, now they are putting those people out of jobs (flash devs) and telling you how to create content for your industry.


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