Boring videos

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • Orbit0

    Idea for movie...

    The president of the USA arrives at apt 201 for a secret meeting of international leaders... at least that what the invite says which he is holding in his hand. He comes without any entourage, just one man, the leader of the western world, on his own. This shows that the meeting is highly secretive. He knocks on the door and it opens. Mysterious tension building chords are pressed on a keyboard as he slowly enters the apartment to discover all the world leaders inside are merely cardboard cutouts blown up from newspaper photographs, crudely cut out and positioned around the room.

    Feeling tension, the President starts to shout and use stress-related swearing words. he starts to lash out and lurch wildly around the room asking "What the fuck is going on here" in a really crazy shouting style.

    Then he reaches for his cell phone but as he starts dialling the number for the CIA, Tony Blair steps out of a cupboard looking like Cristian Guzman in a mask, and says "I wouldn't do that if I were you".

    he then administers a karate chop to the oesophagus and the president drops to the floor, dead, without any special effects at all.

    End credits roll as Tony Blair leaves quietly, polishing the doorknobs to remove fingerprints as he goes.

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