is an MFA worth it?

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  • FrogPond0

    I did exactly what everyone in this post recommends: work for a few years, learn, and then go back and get an MFA. The main reason I went back was to teach, and in fact, I chose my school because they allowed me to teach all 4 semesters I was there.

    The other deciding factor (I didn't go to an art school, and we can start an entire thread about universities vs. art schools) was that the University offered me an amazing fellowship, and had a lot more financial aid offerings.

    In the design world, it looks amazing on my resume, and at times I know it has commanded me more money and respect. At the same time, it also makes people that don't have a masters insecure, and feel like you are gunning for them. I also feel that there have been positions that I have been overlooked for because they think that I will demand susbstantially more money because of my degree.

    I plan to work for about another 5 years in the business and then go and teach and ride off into the sunset. I can't find anything more gratifying than having some of my old students turn out great work once they have graduated.

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