The Walking Dead

Out of context: Reply #170

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  • Jaline0

    I found the books to be somewhat repetitive too. There's only so much you can do with zombies. But it took much longer for them to become that repetitive, whereas the show is like that after a few episodes. Unfortunate, but I did enjoy some of the scenes from that last episode. Some TV shows take a while to really get going, and because I found the comic to be one of the most entertaining in the past however-many-years, I'll continue to watch.

    I've always preferred sticking to the original script. The only time I don't mind straying from the comics is if the story is captivating and is better suited for a TV audience compared to a print audience. Kind of like "Dexter". Obviously that hasn't been the case yet.

    And the short seasons aren't *that* bad. There are many British TV series that are very short and it makes for more stuff happening in one episode. Again, that hasn't been the case yet with "The Walking Dead". It hasn't been stuffed with good content. I found myself getting bored at times, and I'm usually a fan of character development. But I'll stick with it. A happy medium is the 13-episode shows like "Weeds" have. Not the 24 episodes most network series have.

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