Prints are dying, Digital is taking over.

Out of context: Reply #48

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  • HijoDMaite0

    Marshall McLuhan’s theory of Media Ecology is the clearest connection to this topic. McLuhan says it best... “"The suddenness of the leap from hardware to software cannot but produce a period of anarchy and collapse, especially in the developed countries." --So yes, this is a first world problem.
    In the topic of news at least, it seems that news itself does not go with paper anymore. Paper is no longer needed for news to exist. The shedding of a piece of the print era and a sure sign of the evolution in to the digital era. The speed it's happening at is where the chaos comes in. It is like very few industries we have seen in the past. Some have compared it to the conversion from artisan textiles to the industrial revolution. A family who had spent generations working and perfecting the art of making blankets and clothing were suddenly obsolete due to textile inventions of the industrial revolution. Journalists will have to learn to work in multiple media or die. Or leave the first world.

    Here is an interesting website about newspapers in the U.S.:

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