Photography site

Out of context: Reply #4

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  • vaxorcist0

    I agree with bigtrick about the logo alignment... minor tweek....

    I love the skateboard kids as the first image.

    Then I begin to wonder who you're aiming for as an audience... you've got a bunch of designers here, ideal clients for an ambitious photographer, so take note of the opportunity

    The other images seem very different.... some are on the way to being pretty cool, but I'd edit much more tightly.... a portfolio with the feeling and attitude of the skateboarding kids would be very appealing to me, and seems to be more unique and interesting than most of the pix I see online....

    I would really try to specialize in what makes you unique... there was a post recently about a study showing how stock-like images are essentially ignored by actual users...

    I'd rather see 10-20 knockout unique images than 10 categories with 10 images each... unless you're aiming for stock sales....

    • your "about" image is also cool, but I'd not say Nikon D80, rather Nikon DSLR, as it may change, and /or attract camera geeks too muchvaxorcist
    • listing make/model of camera on a photographers website seems to attract the non-client croud... people ask you camera questions!vaxorcist
    • I was really just doing it for fun, it's a pastime.tesmith
    • gear listing is lame. it makes you come off as not focused on the work.mnmlst

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