Microsoft gives up on Silverlight

Out of context: Reply #23

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  • ukit0

    Boz you have your opinion...but it's pretty presumptious of you to declare "we don't discuss this anymore because I'm always right."

    How can you be right about something that hasn't happened yet?

    First off, you mischaracterize what HTML5 is. Yes, HTML5 will take over everything, the same way HTML4 did. Duh. The part you mean to contest is the idea that certain aspects of HTML5 will trump Flash and Silverlight. And it sounds like Microsoft is in fact saying they believe that will happen on the web.

    Now everyone agrees mobile is an exciting new area in interactive media and will see a lot of growth. But this idea that the future of "everything" will be phones and TV and entertainment devices seems massively overhyped to me and, I think, most people.

    What are people going to do at work all day, use their iPad? Are we going to design on a TV or a phone? Use some common sense.

    But even IF that was true and the regular web disappears completely (lol) the idea that it's a given that the likes of Air and Silverlight will dominate those platforms is massively premature. They haven't even gained a toehold in those markets yet.

    You can rant all you want about Apple and Steve Jobs (which have nothing to do with this) but at the end of the day, being dropped from the regular web is a pretty big blow and the responses of the Silverlight devs in the forum post I linked earlier tell you that.

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