Microsoft gives up on Silverlight

Out of context: Reply #22

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  • Boz0

    Here's what's going to happen so we don't discuss this anymore cause I'm always right :)

    - Silverlight will be used like AIR.. and it will be used on all Microsoft products. Mobile, netbooks, Windows, Xbox 360 etc etc...

    - HTML5 will not kill anything. If we saw only a handful of real web application done in JS like Wordpress, Basecamp shit etc.. HTML5 won't magically transform everything by introducing a few new tags in there. Let's face it HTML5 apps are written in JS.. So it will be just like it was until now.. maybe a bit easier and more universal and you will have a simple video and you'll be able to draw some shit directly onto canvas but that's pretty much it.

    - The future of applications, web and everything else switches to devices as front end (google TV, mobile devices, roku boxes etc etc) being in your living room, on the go etc.. and you will build apps for it and those apps (interfaces/front ends) will connect to the web to read and write to databases, pull information and images and videos and so on.. and yes, some simple apps who don't have the need for native APIs of the device will indeed be written in HTML5 but most apps will need to have access to direct hardware and that's all gonna be Silverlight/AIR type of deal.

    And MG Spiegler and Steve Jobs and whoever else can hope that HTML5 will take over everything, but we all know it's a pipe dream.

    Are we clear here? :)

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