New MacBook Air

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  • Boz0

    ^ LOL.. tech crunch revewing a laptop.. ROFL..

    And yeah.. mac world is totally unbiased and will diss on it for sure hahah..

    They are using tests that are heavily stressing flash memory then taking the overall numbers to prove some points..

    SlashGear reviewed it.. here's what they said:

    "We ran Geekbench on our test unit, an entry-level 11.6-inch Air with the 1.4GHz processor and 2GB of memory, and it scored 2261. That’s actually a couple hundred points less than the previous-gen 1.86GHz Air we reviewed in 2008, though it’s worth noting that model was selling for a huge $2,499 compared to the $999 of today’s version."

    I'd hardly call it "flying"...

    • but again.. don't want to sound negative.. it's still super sexy. I'd get it if it was $200-$300 cheaper.Boz
    • like 4gb ram, 128gb of flash storage at least for like $1000-$1100.. I'd get it right away.. but $1400 is quite a bit for 11.6"Boz
    • You must be a joy to work with.Andrew_D
    • what does that have to do with anything? but yeah, people do like to work with me a lot because I"m realistic and not belonging to cults..Boz
    • not belonging to cults.. ;)Boz
    • the whole "cult" and "steve worshipper" garbage is really stale.iCanHasQBN
    • seriously boz, you have a very odd mentality toward this apple thing.iCanHasQBN
    • it's cult by any definition. It's insane what people are willing to justify because it's Apple.. it's scary.Boz

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