New MacBook Air

Out of context: Reply #62

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  • Boz0

    you first part of the argument is exactly what's infuriating about an average Apple brainless user. There is nothing "clunky" about Dell or other manufacturers..

    Apple has created this notion that their products are superior to everyone else, when they are not. I am a Mac user and a PC user and I have had and still have both Macs and PCs in my house, have used mac notebooks and PC notebooks. There's nothing superior with Apple products.. The only thing they do admirably well is package the same hardware and ideas into a slimmer and visually more appealing product. It doesn't make it better.. Actually quite the contrary, in many cases they sacrifice performance and the bleeding edge in hardware to fit it into a slimmer form factor.

    Their hardware doesn't last longer... I've had so many issues with laptops for example, and I've never had issues with Dell laptops on the other hand.

    The perception that Apple makes higher quality products is only their PR and the fact that most news sites and gadget sites are Mac fanboys so nobody makes a big fuss about the stuff that's wrong.. And we all know, Apple will NEVER EVER admit there's a problem.. if they can hold it under the table and lie, deceive, blame everyone else in order to justify their own flaws they will.

    That's what makes that "apple hardware is superior" idea.

    The fact that users have opinions like you just noted is what makes me personally pissed off.. That superiority complex that actually has no connection with reality. It's all hype.

    • * agrees. Mentions:
      "so-called designers"
      "All the Apple haters..."
      "If you want cheap clunky..."
    • Nothing here is a refutation of my first para. You protest too much, and if you think I am brainless I take that as a compliment.comicsans
    • compliment.comicsans
    • Dell is the epitome of clunky, cheap, and plasticy.iCanHasQBN

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