Investing in Apple?

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    It is hype now, just like gold, imho. But that doesn't mean it/they won't go higher.

    Long term, they'll have to perform perfectly to continue. But so far they are, and have emerged as what, almost the largest market cap for a US company? That's crazy!! Larger than Exxon!!

    Personally, I am betting on Google. They have the proven expertise to monetize ideas and, as witnessed with Android, have the business savvy to take over existing markets.

    I read a recent comparison between Android and iOS - the conclusion was that Android will be the Windows of mobile, leaving Apple as a small niche. A long way from that now, but I can see that happening. If it does, it'll leave Apple as a 'cool' toy, but missing the masses.

    Oh, and yeah, I own Google shares ;-)

    • ;-)
      I own both.
    • I thought about it, but learned my lesson of what "diversified" means back in the dot com bust :-)formed
    • I think both are good to own for the long-term (10+ yrs) as new 'bubbles' are formingmonospaced
    • Yup, I agree there, nowadays I feel less ambitious and look for good dividendsformed
    • I have an extra 35k to invest. Is google a good buy now?vitamins
    • Google is a great buy right now.monospaced
    • it was good buy a few months ago, before the earnings report.kpl
    • with Google TV just released and a whole slew of other ventures they are still a good buymonospaced

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