Out of context: Reply #36

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  • autoflavour0

    i have no problem with a bear eating a human.. yes its a bit gross, but that is what bears do.. they eat things.. same with lions..

    but cutting off the head of a fellow human being, or setting a cat on fire.. there is no reasoning .. only total and utter disregard for compassion.

    a bear eats a human because it is a wild animal.. it eats meat.. and we are made of it.

    setting a kitten on fire and laughing while it dies shows nothing but the cold hearted nature of humans.

    what makes it worse is people revel in it.. they intentionally try and be as fucked up as possible to get a rise out of other people. the veil of the internet just makes people sick and twisted fucktards.

    it is just wrong.

    • Plants don't feel pain though.vitamins
    • yup, both the internet and TV.moldero
    • who cares about pain, we're talking about my survival, hunger pains me vitaminsneowe
    • you need to set a cat on fire to survive?autoflavour
    • like i said earlier, what about all the dead kittens at the humane society? out of site out of mind?neowe
    • the humane society doesnt set them on fire while they are still aliveautoflavour
    • so a procedure of death is okay but the humane treatment of animals for civil food isn't?neowe
    • who said animals slaughter is humane.. eh.. hello.. battery hens.autoflavour
    • what humane treatment of animals for civil foodscarabin
    • pretty sure the addition of DEATH into the equation makes it inhumanescarabin
    • that is my point scarabin, he's crying about the killing of the kittens but not our food source.neowe

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