Out of context: Reply #36

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  • PonyBoy0

    I've found that some designers (art directors etc) tend to burn out if they're working in-house for so many years and actually opt to take on a different role for both money and purposes of sanity / not becoming hateful toward their craft...

    ... someone will always need to manage the client... it helps if that someone knows the product being sold. Likewise a good product requires good project management. AD's / designers w/experience who are looking for more money or just a break from having to come up w/the solution all the time (and oddly enough... make more money) often opt to take these jobs.

    All that being said - I've never heard of a GOOD A.D. or designer being 'too old'... the good ones I've known have all left the roll on their own accord when they chose to... ... you're never too old to be a great designer (and the greats always grow old... some doing their best work in their late years... Frank Llyod Wright immediately comes to mind)...

    • burnout is a factor.... I worked with a REALLY GREAT art director in his 60's once....vaxorcist

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