The Stone Roses

Out of context: Reply #17

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  • fooler20

    I told this story here before but it's a classic...
    I saw the US premier of "I wanna be adored" on MTV's 120 minutes in 1989 and the next day I instantly went out and bought the CD.
    I thought to myself that this was the future of rock n roll and I had to turn everyone I knew onto this new Madchester sound.
    The next weekend I drove down to see a girlfriend at a small college in Southern Ohio. Her and her roommates were having a huge kegger house party and had a friend DJing, and when I say DJing he was just selecting songs on CD a dual cassette and playing them back to back from a corner of the living room.
    I had told her about this great new band and she told the DJ I had great taste in music and I knew of the great new band from England that were going to be huge.
    I went out to my car to retrieve the disc and told him to put it on "I wanna be adored"
    He let it play through that long intro and nobody responded, well actually it stopped everyone in there tracks like the party was stuck in time and nobody moved. They had never heard anything like quite like this.
    Then about half way through the song people started yelling "what is this shit!" "Play something else!" and the DJ didn't make it through the song before playing some Tom Petty or REM or what ever college kids were listening to at the time and I walked away in shame.

    • haha, classic.intVal
    • history is a murky tunnel through an avalanche of mediocre recidivist twats.mikotondria3
    • Not the best party song though. I played it in work and got two responses 'What the fuck is this shite' and "why does he want to be a dog?'ian
    • ... be a dog?'ian

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