Non-Profit to help pay Student Debt

Out of context: Reply #4

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  • d_rek0


    I thought about the residual effects of taking out almost $50k in student loans long before I signed the papers. It was really the only way I was ever going to be able to attend the private college of my choice. I did recieve a generous amount of grants and scholarships but it really only barely a paltry amount of my overall tuition.

    That being said I knew exactly what I was doing when I signed my life away. It wasn't an easy decision but a decision I made nonetheless. And one I wouldn't expect anyone else other than myself to pay for debt I knowingly and willfully acquired.

    However, I do believe that the student-loan system is setup to hinder recent graduates rather then help them prosper - In the United States particularly. Compared to the irresponsible manner in which mortgages were being handed out to people with terrible credit it seems a bit backwards to keep those with student loan debt on the shortest leash. And it's downright scary to think that all debt can be forgiven in the US by declaring bankruptcy EXCEPT student loan debt. Wtf is that shit?

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