Another 9-11 topic

Out of context: Reply #65

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  • ukit0

    But what is the true story here...

    Bush was warned and didn't listen?
    Bush was behind it?
    Osama Bin Laden and Al Queda were actually working for the U.S.?
    Al Queda never hijacked the planes?
    The planes were actually military?
    The planes were unnecessary and didn't take towers down?

    Obviously not all of these can be true. Which means that whether the government is telling us everything or not, some of the "truther" theories surrounding 9-11 are flat out wrong and CAN be explained. Perhaps all of them can. And even if they can't, it doesn't necessarily point to government involvement.

    This has happened with all major events in history from JFK to Obama's birth certificate...people pore over them for inconsistencies and try to use that to suggest a conspiracy.

    • you are a fucking retard jump out the buildingbliznutty
    • Sorry but, I'm on the ground floor:)ukit
    • +1 for bliznuttynuggler
    • ooh, well, -100 to both of you.
      how you like me now? huh?

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