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Out of context: Reply #48

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  • ukit0

    Boz -

    Well OK fine bro but you guys were the ones that reacted in that way, spewing negativism at some guys' efforts, which all considered are pretty cool. After all, with a little bit of effort anyone can hack together a Flash game, it's been done many times, but to try to do something that hasn't yet been achieved...well personally I admire that quite a bit.

    Regarding the HTML5 timeline, that's a common bit of disinfo/ misunderstanding that is out there. First of all, the portions of the spec that we are concerned with as designers - primarily CANVAS and VIDEO as well as things such as semantic layout tags - are done. They have already been written and will not change at this point.

    The part that is under way, and the only reason widespread use isn't yet feasible, is browser implementation. It's in the hands of Microsoft, Google, Apple and Mozilla, rather than the standards committee.

    2012 will be when the entire HTML5 spec is ready, including more behind the scenes stuff such as microdata, local storage, web workers, and so on which they are currently putting the finishing touches on. So all the "proposed features" as you say will be finalized at that point.

    2012 - 2022 is the "test suite." This means they go through and exhaustively test the spec in a few major browsers in essentially every possible scenario, making possibly minor tweaks along the way. However, no new features of the HTML5 spec will be introduced and no big changes will likely happen. It's more like the process of maintaining an operating system after its been released than continuing to write one.

    • Yep.. and Canvas and Video will not change or give us anything mindblowing. Canvas doesn't even support 3D. They said they might consider adding 3D later but it's all in the air.Boz
    • Uh...nor does Flash really support it yet!!:)ukit
    • said they might consider adding 3D later but it's all in the air. Btw, all those cool things like WebGL, storage and all this good stuff is coming later. And I'm not talking IDEs, or cool 3rd party libraries.. All this will come probably much later. So realistically it is 5-10 years.. We will probably start seeing some tools and other stuff happening by 2012 but realitically to really build kick ass stuff in professional manner it will probably be 2015-2016. And I'm being optimistic.Boz
    • But WebGL is coming...and not in 5 years. I'm sure you've seen the demosukit
    • Flash does support 3D and the real 3d is coming in October. They announced it. So we'll see.Boz
    • Btw, all those cool things like WebGL, storage and all this good stuff is coming later. And I'm not talking IDEs, or cool 3rd party libraries.. All this will come probably much later. So realistically it is 5-10 years.. We will probably start seeing some tools and other stuff happening by 2012 but realitically to really build kick ass stuff in professional manner it will probably be 2015-2016. And I'm being optimistic.Boz
    • WebGL is not part of HTML5 BTW, its on a separate track and isnt subject to the timeline at allukit
    • 3rd party libraries.. All this will come probably much later. So realistically it is 5-10 years.. We will probably start seeing some tools and other stuff happening by 2012 but realitically to really build kick ass stuff in professional manner it will probably be 2015-2016. And I'm being optimistic.Boz
    • WebGL is a part of HTML5. It's context of the canvas HTML element that provides a 3D graphics API.Boz
    • It's actually might get referred to as part of it but it's not part of the HTML5 spec they are delivering in 2012ukit
    • You know what is part of HTML5 because it's on this page…
    • WebGL has its own spec, which is here

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