Timeline control

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  • fyoucher10

    Use a tween engine like Tweener, Greensock.com's MaxTween, or if you're using AS2, I liked mc_tween2 which can be found here >

    You can even use easing with a tween engine ("easeOutQuart", "easeInOutCubic", etc). Don't waste your time trying to code it yourself when there's a solution that's 10 times easier and efficient.

    For mc_tween2 just put the AS script next to your FLA file. Then write #include "mc_tween2.as" (or whatever the name of the AS file is). Then where ever you need to do a timeline tween, you can write something like myClip.frameTo(35, 1, "linear"); If you want you can even make it do something when it has completed the tween (read the doc for callback function). That site is documented really well and it's really easy to understand.

    Personally, if I were you, I'd just get started using Greensock's MaxTween since that's what a lot of people use and is very similar to Flash's built in tween engine.

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